A Press tool is a particular type of tool that is attached to a press brake and is used to produce a high volume of components. These types of tools are predominantly used in mechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic presses to achieve their goals. There is a large number of press tools that can be used with a press brake and they all have their own unique features and perks. This guide is designed to help you understand what each of the different press tools does and what they’re suited for.
Blanking tool
A blanking tool is able to cut the entire outer profile of a sheet of metal in a single stroke with one punch and die. The process of blanking is when you cut a flat shape out of a sheet of metal. The leftover scraps are generally chalked up to wastage or can be recycled/repurposed for another use.
Piercing tool
When using a piercing tool, you will end up with a clean-cut hole in your sheet metal with a scrap slug. Flat holes can also be produced with a piercing tool by using a shearing action.
Cut off tool
As the name suggests, a cut off tool is used to cut off a strip of sheet metal. The dimensions of the strip are entirely up to you and what you need it for and the operation is completed in a single motion. The strips may be used for things such as further bending with other tools. There is no wastage when using the cut off tool.
Parting off tool
The parting off tool is very similar to the cut off tool. The main difference between these two is that a cut off tool uses one motion to cut off a piece and can then be fitted perfectly on the sheet. Whereas with a parting off tool, you must cut along two paths at the same time. The result is that there is some wastage and the cut off piece cannot be nestled precisely.
Drawing tool
Using plastic deformation, the drawing tool is used to turn flat pieces of sheet metal into shapes such as cups and shells.
Trimming tool
This press brake tool is designed to regulate the irregular waviness that is left in the sheet metal’s side after cups and shells are cut out of it.
Shaving tool
A shaving tool’s primary use is to shave a small amount of material off the side of a hole or shape that has already been cut into sheet metal. By shaving off the small amount of material, the sides are made smoother.
Bending tool
This is a fairly straight-forward press tool. It is able to bend metal stampings. The bending tool is only able to apply simple bends however, meaning only straight bends can be applied. Multiple bends can be applied to a single stamping.
Forming tool
Coming from the same family as the bending tool, the forming tool is able to apply more complicated bends to stampings such as those that curve.
Progressive tool
A progressive tool is any press tool that reaches its goal via multiple stages – with each stage progressing the shaping of the metal further and further until the final stage is reached. The final stage tends to just be when the shape is cut off.
Compound tool
With a compound tool, the blanking and piercing stages fused into one and the tool itself is inverted. There is no piercing die as the role is replaced by the blanking punch.
Combination tool
Combination tools are able to perform two operations simultaneously. So, an operation such as forming or drawing may be combined with a cutting operation – such as piercing, blanking and cut off. Essentially a cutting and non-cutting operation may be performed simultaneously – but two cutting operations cannot be performed at the same time.
Are you in need of press tools for your press brake?
There are many press tools out there and each one helps each individual achieve the goal they’re striving for. If you need to purchase some tools for your press brake, then why not consider ACRA Machinery. We offer a variety of press tools and other sheet metal machinery products and machines – both new and used. We also offer comprehensive repair services and expert advice, dispatched by our knowledgeable staff.
If you would like to know more about the press brake tools that we offer, then please give us a call on 03 9794 6675 or fill out the form on our website.