The sheet metal fabrication industry produces a large amount of metal that goes on to be used in the construction industry, so in this blog, we thought we’d look at some of the most common metals used in architecture along with their unique structural properties.



Aluminium is a fantastic construction material as it is resistant to corrosion, ductile, and lightweight yet strong. It is also highly conductive. Architects favour aluminium as it is easily moulded, making it suitable for a wide variety of purposes including ceilings, walls, window frames, roofing, HVAC ducts and even bridges and other industrial construction.


Copper has been used for a variety of purposes for thousands of years and is valued for its conductivity, corrosion resistance, strength and ductility. Within the construction industry copper is often used as piping and tubing, along with cladding, electrical wiring and even roofing.


Two typed of iron are commonly used in construction: cast iron and wrought iron. Cast iron is melted, poured, and moulded, and is often used in large architectural projects. Wrought iron is rolled in the final production stages and is often riveted to make structural components like beams, trusses and girders.


Steel is commonly used in the construction industry as it is incredibly strong, durable, ductile and malleable. It is a fantastic conductor and can be recycled over and over again without degradation. Steel is used to make building frames, along with roofing, handrails, balustrading, cladding and more. Steel comes in several variations, including stainless steel and carbon steel.


Titanium is another lightweight metal commonly used in the construction industry. It is often used to construct heating and cool systems as it is highly corrosion resistance, however it is also found in pipes, roofing and even frames.

Sheet metal manufacturers play an important role in construction, as they provide the construction industry with much of their materials. If you’re a sheet metal fabricator in need